This week end was extremely hot around Madrid (38°C or 100°F), too much for a plein-air painting. We spent anyway our week-end on the road finding some futur spots we could paint next september. We crossed a Sierra in the north called "Sierra de Rinçon"where the variety of colors and shapes reminded us many impressionist painters and also the "Sainte Victoire Mountain" from Cezanne.
For the people living around, it's the road called "GU 123"and "CM1002" between "Torrelaguna" and "Casa de Uceda".
Today, sunday, I had the pleasure to see in Madrid a beautiful exhibit about Van Gogh's last works. The last seventy days of his life, he made SEVENTY paintings and around THIRTY drawings. I enjoyed to see the ones presented at this exhibit.
The subject of my post is based on a two years old sketch. I colored it saturday evening just for fun and finally got something I wanted to show you.